Family Springs Follow the Drip

Health is true wealth here’s why

Dehydration in the body relates to social economic poverty. the conditions that plague our society is a microcosm of the world within and it all begins with the flow of water as currency. In business you know it as cash flow the body knows it as hydro. A lack of the resources creates poverty so how do we change the direction of the flow? We must first understand the infrastructure of Mother Nature design and how it connects to the inner body. Energy can not be created or destroyed it is only transferred or changed from one source to another… it is The Law of Conservation of Energy. So flow with me as I connect the dots from the river bank to the individual as a bank to the banking institution.

A stream – a running body of water that flows above ground depositing sediment as it travels. A stream can be permanent or intermittent occurring only part of the time. Family Springs is a brand with a message that flows as a stream into communities depositing a healthy alternative to drinking water for the body and stimulation to the economic environment. A stream originates from the source that moves through a channel providing accessible resources for an ecosystem to survive.

Our body is a microcosm of society and its environment… Lets Dive In

Where there is a lack of water hydration within the body the brain must decide on preservation of life. The brain is in charge of water management so it is forced to redistribute water to the areas that needs it most for preservation of life so it results to drying up the channels surrounding the organs. When the fluid compartment surrounding the organ dries up the area becomes acidic and toxic and registers a signal back to the brain as chronic pain. This is the body signal of drought management.

Body fluids are distributed in two main areas the Intracellular compartment and Extracellular compartment. The intracellular fluid (ICF) is found inside the intracellular compartment which located in the cytoplasm of every cell and makes up 40% of our body weight. This (ICF) is comprised of water, dissolved electrolytes and proteins. The main electrolytes found within this intracellular fluid solution is phosphate (PO4-), magnesium (Mg2+) and potassium (K+). The intracellular fluid is found to posses a positive net charge overall. This intracellular fluid can be known as the water/energy bank as it houses the largest amount of water and nutrients and carries the ingredient to produce ATP which is needed to rebuild and regenerate cell growth. The Extracellular compartment holds the Extracellular Fluid (ECF) located on the outside of the cell walls in between the interstitial spaces of cells and tissues. This extracellular fluid makes up 20% of the human body weight and is largely comprised of water, proteins, and electrolytes like sodium (Na2+), chloride (Cl-) and bicarbonate (HCO3-) with the exception of sodium the overall net charge is negative found within the extracellular fluid. The interstitial space can be referred to as a channel as it holds water inside the tissue to support the cells demand and regulate the pH balance of cell.

  • The fluid compartments are separated by semipermeable membrane that are freely permeable to water. The movement of fluids are due to the hydrostatic pressure and osmotic pressure.

How does this translate outside the body?

Dehydrated conditions in society looks like poverty due to lack of resources. Let me explain… cracked sidewalks, potholed streets, ran down abandoned buildings, homeless people and so on. This fabric is displayed through every major inner city throughout the world. It comes from the lack of distribution of resources to a community of cells (individuals) which are the people that form organizations which are the organs that request for the resources. See cells form tissues and tissues and tissues forms organs and a group of organs working within the same environment is an organ system. When the environment is affected the condition changes which affects the people.

Economic geography is the study of human economic behavior under varying sets of conditions which is associated with the production, location, distribution, consumption, exchange of resources and spatial organization across the world. Economic geography takes place in two specific areas of focus. Human civilization and it’s connection to wealth and within the human body as it refers to health.

Health is wealth so how do we change it?

Providing opportunity to be healthier by beginning at the basic necessity and building block of life… water. By connecting and uniting through water as a medium of energy exchange we are able to pour back in to our communities and fund our economic systems to support the growth and development of every inner-city beginning there because its where a lot of the small businesses are located and is the driving force to the overall economic system. The inner city is comparable to the inner mitochondria of a cell which is the overall energy powerhouse of the cell. Small businesses plays the role of the Electron Transport Chain (ETC) moving electrons from one business to another B2B. This will undoubtedly lead to growth and development from water just like the inside of the body and the entire universe.

The geography of our community is formed by groups of people within a region. A mass or heap of people in a place at one time. This is defined as a bank…

Bank – is defined as the land alongside the river or lake which is a mass or mound of a particular substance. A bank can be used to support, confine or redirect the flow of currents/energy passing through water. The people makes the bank because individually and collectively we are formed fro a particular organic substance made from earth materials and we all possess stored internal potential energy within us. We are water and water also possesses internal potential energy and we are what we are largely made up off and consume.

  • A river bank directs the flow of currents.
  • A bank directs the flow of currency.
  • And a mound of people are able to direct the currency flow of the incoming stream.

A bank can hold/reserve a flow of electrical currents which is deposited by the people resources and is used to stimulate the environment, economy or the human body. A bank is a conductor for the movement of electrical currents because it impacts the direction towards health or death.

A bank in regards to the human body is considered to be the cell membrane which is the outer layer of our skin which holds in the moisture. Within the body the cell membrane is the outer layer of the cell which regulates the flow of water that passes through the cell causing electricity charges each time it passes.

Water is the stream of means that moves through channels supported by the “river” bank. Energy moves as currency through the water and the bank guides the flow controlling the surge of electrical charge with the power to stimulate growth of life.

Poverty comes from a lack of distribution of resources because God knows we are in the land of abundance and we are not short of anything so it has to be a distribution problem. Water is a natural resource that is made to stimulate a malnourished environment. By providing a means to access organically sourced spring water with natural trace minerals can assist in stimulation of the economic structure.

How do you make a change? By Following the Drip and supporting local small businesses within our community.
Channel – A natural depression in the ground that holds water.

Niche – A nest. Searching to find a like-minded community of people and small business owners that are consciously aware of there environment and willing to invest in making a change starting with water.

  • The channel is the most important part of a stream!! It represents a place for nurturing growth and development.
  • In business its the place where we deliver our goods to reach our customers. Channel partners are our Follow the Drip store locations found within the city to pick up your bottle of fresh spring water delivered from the source.
  • A stream is a source for distribution that moves to and through a channel that provides accessible resources for a community to grow and sustain life. (wealth distribution)