Tap Water

Municipal water originates from low underground or the surface level. Often it’s wastewater that has been treated heavily with chemicals to raise the pH level for human consumption. Industry regulations are imposed to keep harmful contaminants out of the water supply such as lead, pesticides, hormones or other harmful irritants but often still find its way in to our homes due to the pipes or the filtration process can only remove so much. If goes into our sewers it can find its way into tap our water. Plastic particles have been found in the water supply around the world from rain water to tap water which is a cause for concern across the nation.



Distilled Water

Treated water that has been demineralized meaning it has been removed of all salts through a process of reverse osmosis. This process can take place through boiling water, collecting the steam and condensing it back into a liquid. This process removes all impurities as well as any nutritional value from the water. Water is sticky and needs minerals to bond to if there’s no minerals it pulls any other substance like toxins from the body making it great for detoxing but too much can strip mineral deposit from the body.



Mineral Water

Natural minerals found deep beneath the earth’s crust through layers of rocks where the water is bottled at the source. Carbonation can be added but their can be no other treatment of the water or added minerals. It’s free from all environmental contaminants and the only substances allowed to be removed is iron, manganese and sulphur. There are tons of health benefits associated with mineral water because our bodies need it and cannot naturally produce it. The only way minerals enter our bodies is through food and water.



Spring Water

Much like mineral water the source originates deep underneath the permeable rock layer called an aquifer where it is trapped by surrounding clay and impermeable rock. The spring is formed through natural pressure within the aquifer which causes the water to flow above ground. Health benefits can be as good as mineral water depending on the source. The guidelines requirements for spring water minerals and nutritional value is not as strict as mineral water. The mineral content can vary depending on the source. If it’s really natural and free flowing it should contain organic matter.


Got Alkaline?

Natural artesian alkaline water has a pH level greater than 7 which is naturally acquired from the earthly minerals. The alkali earth metals are used to filter the acidity of the earth through the natural filtration system provided by the permeable rock layers and naturally flowing currents gathering minerals as it passes through into a spring or ocean balancing the environment for marine life.

“And he went forth unto the spring of the waters, and cast the salt in there, and said, thus saith the LORD, I have healed these waters; there shall not be from thence any more death or barren land.”

-2 Kings 2:20

Alkaline minerals are elements from within the earth.  They fall underneath the group 2A on the periodic table.  They are reactive which means they have the tendency to react chemically to a situation rather than creating or controlling it.  Electropositive is an element that loses electrons and form positive ions in chemical reactions. Elements on the left side of the periodic table are electropositive (+) and as you travel to the right side of the chart the more electronegative (-) the elements.
Atoms need to bond to become stable, this is where the term opposites attract comes in to play.  Ultimately this is what creates the flow of electrical currents in the water.  When earth metals bond to nonmetals they create a chemical bond known as a ionic bond which is an electrostatic attraction between two oppositely charged ions for the creation of salt (Na+Cl-).

When a metal oxide is dissolved in water it creates an alkaline solution. Divalent metals are atoms that are each capable of chemically combining with two atoms of hydrogen and can form basic oxides which react with water to form hydroxide. Basic oxides are properties that opposes acidic oxides by reacting with water to form a base or with an acid to form salt and water. This solution naturally creates a sodium bicarbonate that is released into the blood to neutralize acidity within the body.

This process takes place when alkaline water and alkaline foods with high water content mixes with the stomach acid.  Sodium Carbonate also known as soda ash which is a base used for buffering acidity. Metals are good conductors of electricity because of the free electrons which allows the electrical currents to flow through.  Salts dissolve in water making the water a conductor of electrical currents which conducts electricity for the body.

Organic matter is essential for a healthy life. Its found in the soil and holds the moisture for living organisms. Because the spring is a natural artesian spring meaning that it flows freely above ground at a temperature of 74 degrees it posses earthly compounds that is nutritional for the soil and the soul.

Why is Salt Essential?

Minerals are stored inside the bones. When the body becomes too acidic it leaches minerals from the bones in an attempt to balance the pH. Alkaline salts act as buffers to an acidic condition. A low salt diet will cause mineral deficiency losing the ability to buffer acidity and cause bones to become weaken. Brine – is water that is strongly impregnated by salt and is used for the natural preservation of food. The combination of water and salt is used to preserve freshness on the outside… well in my opinion if it is a preservative on the outside of the human body it would naturally be one mixed with water on the inside preserving our organs as they are surrounded in the salty watery solution. We all know too much salt can cause erosion as it does to driveways and streets during the winter time after melting the ice away if it sits but the proper proportion of essential sea salt and water can preserve the life of organs.

Essential minerals from unrefined salt does more for the human body regarding health than any prescription drug.

Health Benefits of Salt Include:

  1. Helps nerve cells to communicate
  2. Retains water for uses of the body
  3. Regulates the bodies of water inside and outside the cells
  4. Absorbs food particles through the intestinal tract
  5. Makes hydrochloric acid for stomach digestion
  6. Extracts excess acid making the cell alkaline
  7. Clears mucus and phlegm out from lungs
  8. Prevents muscle cramps by removing acid from the muscle cells
  9. Vital part of making bones structure firm
  10. Preserves the organs